Friday, February 6, 2009

A bit boring....sorry...

I am not looking forward to next week. In fact…if I could just call in sick from work, school, and being a Mommy to Elyse, Tryston, and Bryce that would be grand! It is not that I do not enjoy all of these things, in fact I really do! But Monday begins a 10 week session where I need to go to school 2 nights a week. I am trying not to grunt and grumble as I pulled out my first homework assignment that is DUE on Monday…but I am and I DID!

So the next 10 weeks are going to be fun! Jeff is traveling more too…so that makes life even more fun! But, I have to stay focused…keep my head up and my eyes toward heaven and I know God will get me through all of this…well maybe some Starbucks too!!!

Tryston’s egg challenge is at Riley on Monday from 8am-noon…please pray that all goes well and we will only be left with a peanut allergy!!! He is such a sweet little man!

Bryce has an orthodontic appointment next week for spacers to be placed for his braces…and yes, I have NOT told him yet!

And Elyse has her final dance class with her BFF next week too!

At work we are embracing PANO and the fun that we can have with VMWare when they are used together? Never a dull moment in our office!

Oh, and today I hit my 50 lb weight loss goal! That was a bit exciting too! So there is some good in the world! And thanks to Milydia and Amy I had some much needed sushi and shopping! Thank girls!

OK, sorry this is so boring! I am looking forward to V-Day! J Jeff has a surprise cooked up…Have a great week!!!


Anonymous said...

Your family is in our prayers. You are all such a blessing, and though this time is a little trying you will get through it. We rely on HIM!
Love all of you! Luv, V

Anonymous said...

Thanks V! Love you too! BTW, I got my package in the mail yesterday...I have all toes in place :) I am coming to the WestSide week after next on a Friday to proctor a test...if A is home maybe we can grab lunch? Love ya!