Tuesday, October 14, 2008

What I DO know...and what I don't CARE to know...

There are times in life where it can be a good thing to be on the other side of being in the "know"... When is a tricky situation and a good question.

I am now 32 years old and I am having some health issues. I want to KNOW why I feel like crap! I want to understand HOW to feel better...but no one can tell me! I know I have diabetes, arthritis, and to top all of that I am over weight. I AM doing something about it...but am I doing enough?

I am setting out on a journey to improve my health in several ways.

Emotionally, I am removing all of the crap in my life that drags me down. Whether it be a past issue or person I have news...HEADS UP...you have hit 3 strikes and you are out. I have also pondered for years if and when my father walks into my life what would I do? It has kept me in prison of sorts...no more! If and when is your choice...I am living for today to look forward to the future. I have had friends in the past who have caused confusion, confusion is not of God...so I am done with that too! You see, you can forgive and forget the deed and move on but choose to distance the hurt. I choose to move on because I do not need hurt in my life.

Spiritually, I am pressing forward to further my relationship with God. I want to go deeper, and wider with what God wants for me and my family. I want to walk daily in the WILL of God!

Physically, I am ready for a change. I am ready to feel better! I have taken some major steps in improving my health this year. I am working on a much LARGER change that I am very excited about...more details to follow soon!

Family, I want to relish in the love of my family! My family is amazing and I am so blessed to have them supporting me day in and day out. And I must add that having my husband home now has been a breath of fresh air!

Friends, where do I even begin? I am blessed with the friends I have and I cherish our friendships. Need I say more?

So, I DO know that I am moving forward with great anticipation...and no, I really do NOT want to hear anything negative...I just want to live in the "Know"!!!

I obey your precepts and your statutes, for all my ways are known to you.Psalm 119:168

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