Thursday, October 2, 2008

Makes you think...What if?

A few weeks ago we were sitting at the dinner table. It was a typical Sunday evening as I was preparing food for Tryston to eat all week. As we sat down to eat I had mentioned that the aroma of spaghetti, brownies, sloppy joes and a few other items all mixed together were very unappetizing. So to fix it I pulled out this brand new oil diffuser that was labeled to smell like Carmel apples...yum! I poured it and put the rods in and placed it on the table and thought the smell was absolutely heavenly! Until...

OK, so I will pause and put a plug in here that my boy twin Tryston is anaphylactic to dairy eggs and peanuts. He has gone into shock twice in his 3 year old life and on top of that he has a TOUCH allergy to dairy which means if he touches anything or anyone who has dairy on them or it...he can become very ill and could die.

OK, so here we all were enjoying dinner when all the sudden Tryston starts gasping for air. He can not breathe!!! I am thinking...what the HECK! Everything on this table is safe...nothing new...but the oil diffuser. I removed it quickly...started asking him questions and he was having a hard time telling me what was wrong. I threw on some clothes and proceeded to the nearest ER! When we got to the ER they immediately took his pulse-ox (I am sure that is not the medical way to write it..but phonetically it sounds right :) ) and he was indeed having issues! So they rushed him to the back and began checking him and administering a treatment. We were there 3-4 hours and they took tests and x-rays and then sent us home. we will follow-up with the results with our Riley Dr.

As we were walking out of the hospital I had this horrible flash-back of Tryston going into shock just a year or so ago. My son could have died if it were not the quick thinking of a certain teacher at our school. But how many times do we feel like, OMG my son almost died? I actually think about it every day, minute, second. When you almost loose a child and God hands them back to give you one more chance it really makes you think about your kids in a whole new light. Yes, I still discipline them, they are not crazy and into everything as if they rule my world...but when I hug them...I may hug them a wee bit tighter,kiss them more...or agree to snuggle when I really had a ton of work or homework that is due.

You see, life IS too short and there might not always be a 2nd chance. Every time Jeff and the kids leave I think...could it be the last time I say I love you? If so I had better make sure I say it. My oldest nephew Brian passed away from a horrible motorcycle accident and I think everyday what would I have said if I knew that on the phone that night was the last time I could talk to him? I live that regret everyday...I should have said I love you one more time.

So what will you do to ensure that if the "what ifs" become reality in your life you have said all that you wanted to, or hugged your spouse more or let your ten year old tell you one more joke just so you can hear them laugh....

Makes you think...

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