Monday, September 29, 2008

Through My Daughters Eyes...

My daughter Elyse is something else. She has my passion for temperament (whoa boy)...but her daddy's enduring since of humor. I just love sitting back and watching her "do her thing" and just laugh. She is "going through something" a sassy GIRL thing and she is showing a new side. You see she is very stubborn (yes, I admit it) just like her mom...

Today she was home from school due to the snow fall and wanted to just hang with ME! I was thrilled because she is not the snuggle when you get ANYTHING from her you take what you get! However today it was sad because she is getting taller and she no longer fits on my fact she is so tall her legs just draped over the chair!

We sat and talked about her doll...her nails...going shopping...friends...and her fear of dogs. Today she shared her perspective on many things including our hair color and skin color being different. She asked what I drank when she was in my tummy to make her skin so pretty! I just died laughing!

You see through her eyes we are the same, but different. I share many attributes with my children, but they do not exactly resemble me. In fact, when the twins were one we were at St. F in the lobby waiting to register them for their ear-tube surgery. The registration nurse came over and bent down and said "they are so cute, where did you adopt them from!" A few minutes later Jeff walked in from parking the car and the lady laughed and said..."now I see where you got the from!"

You see, they may never look like me, but to my daughter she does not see that. How amazing that God views us the same way. We may look 100% different from him, but we are still his children! I just love that! Funny how our kids teach us lessons at times. Just had to share! :)

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