Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Beautiful Blessings!

Today I feel extraordinarily blessed! No, I did not win the lottery (can't win if you do not agree with playing), and no I am not sitting at some spa...although that sounds good about now! Instead I am blessed by the people in my life!!!

This past 2 years have been anything BUT easy. Between Jeff being on the road for work, me getting the itch to go back to college, to Bryce hitting puberty, the twins in the terrible threes...the list goes on...BUT what makes this all worth while is how God has used people in my life to help and encourage me!

I am sure I will miss a few and please forgive me but this is what my support group looks like...are you sitting down???

My husband who called me every night and talked to me no matter how disgruntal I was...
My son Bryce who stepped up to being my little man of the house...
The twins for making me laugh when I wanted to cry...
My Mom for helping me with the house and loving me when I am absolutely unlovable...
My dad for being a man of integrity and for never forgetting to just call me when God laid me on his heart...
For my brothers for sending me emails and making me laugh...
For my sister-in-laws for putting up with all 3 of my brothers...and me too...
For my mother and father-in-law for always praying for us and for blessing Bryce with summers to remember...
For the Beech Tree House staff for loving my kids and teaching them God's love...
For the Church family at Grace for accepting us for who we are and for going above and beyond to ensure that our little Tryston can learn the word of God in a dairy-egg-peanut free enviroment...
For the MoMii group...what an amazing group of talented women...who LOVE CIP!!!! ;)
For Amie and are amazing friends and we are blessed by you every day...
For Besty and ARE part of the Espiritu's whether you like it or not...
The Garcia' have blessed us in a million ways...we love you...
For the Meadow Bend Girls...for allowing me to vent and for loving me after I am done...
For my neighbors Sue and Larry...thank you for bringing my trash cans in...and mowing my grass when I was having a bad day :) Thank you!!!...
For my friend Amy...for just loving me and my kiddos...
For Lisa...for organizing my world :)...
Angel, Mohota, Jennifer and Alana for letting me into your circle of friends...and oh yeah...a new toilet seat?...
For Joni...for you being you and taking the pictures that make my heart melt...
For the creator of have made my disconnected world better again...
For my friend Milydia who is my lunch date buddy and dear friend...
For Caroline at Nordstom's for helping me conduct my monthly retail therapy session...
For Angie...for just being you...
For Lexi for reminding me that life is to short for discontent or meritocracy!!!
For Janna reminding me that LOVE is amazing and should be enjoyed and cherished!!!
For Marian College for giving me tools to reach an important goal in my life!

And for all of those who have loved us during a very difficult 2 years...who have listened to me ramble...shared a meal with us...came over just to sit and who have PRAYED for us!!!

You see, without all of these people I would have lost my mind! If I missed you it is only because I am in a hurry and I will think of you while I am driving somewhere and be mad at myself and will have to come and edit this post later so check back...

But mostly to God for giving me the strength to wake up each morning and realize that his GRACE and LOVE is NEW every day!!! How cool is that!!!!!!!!!

Have a great week! Love you all!!!

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