Monday, August 18, 2008

Me, Myself and that Guy over there...

I just love Monday! Seriously! I DO!!! Every week holds a new promise for a new beginning! I adore how God allows us new challenges with new Grace every day! It is a little (well very little) like the Olympics EVERY day! This week it is sitting across from me at my desk, yes my hubby Jeff! You see, it is a rare occasion lately that he is home due to his work schedule! I cherish the time we spend together...even if it is sitting here working next to him!

There are days when he is gone and I am SO overwhelmed! I cry out to God and say WHY do I have to to do this ALL by myself...and yes there are at least a dozen violins helping me sing my woes! As some "friends" have told me...WHY do you pile a million things on your plate if you KNOW he is out of town...To those friends...Poo on you for telling me the truth! But forgetting the truth I still press on!

I look at it this way...GOD gave me an amazing family and wonderful I must take care of what he has given me! I LOVE John 15:13Greater love has no one than this, that he lay down his life for his friends. To me that verse speaks volumes because John is talking about how Christ loves us. He is speaking to us telling us to LOVE our friends and those around us with Christ-like love! I agree that some friends are in our lives for seasons, but once a friend always a friend!

I have to imagine that that verse goes for all those that we love! So back to me and who I sit across from today, he is a blessing and I am trying to remember that HE does love me even though he leaves me every week. He is taking care of us and for the moment that does mean that he leaves, but not because he wants to. I am thankful for this Godly husband! In fact I would say I was blessed beyond all measure for a husband who actually prays over me! That is so cool!

So for the next time I am sitting here in a pool-full of self-pity and I am praying for me and myself, I WILL remember to pray for the guy sitting over there who also loves me...unconditionally as I love him!

Have a blessed day!!!

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