Monday, August 25, 2008

Big, Bigger and BIGGEST!

There I stand at Target as my kids are screaming at the top of their lungs "NO...I AM THE BIGGEST" I am a million shades of red and would like to find some duct tape to silence them but instead I just belt out "God is bigger than ALL of you and if you do not hush he himself will come down and punish you for embarrassing me!!!"... Let's just say that for MILES (it seemed) there was silence. Not just from my kids but from all of those around me.

Taking this story back a few minutes earlier would give you a bit more insight... I hope. You see my little Tryston has life threatening food allergies to dairy, eggs and peanuts and can not actually sit in the cart at the grocery store since he has a touch allergy. So in order to avoid a fight (BIG LOL) I have always told the twins they were too big for the cart. This normally works as I only take them on very short trips like 1-2 items. However on this day I started WW3 at Target between the twins. I swear I didn't mean to!!! I just made a simple statement..."No guys, no one can get in the cart because you are too big" But you see they are getting older and have personalities of their own now. Let's just say that my womb is the ONLY thing they have shared in the last 3 years and even that was rough waters.

The real issue is with Elyse. She has recently been told that she is 1 inch taller that Tryston so to her she is bigger...So that is the wind that blew the fire to a blaze!

After this most embarrassing moment I regained my composure and began walking out of the door until some old guy started clapping for me. Let's just say I felt bad enough...but come on you JERK!!! He leaned over as we were walking out the door and said in a fairly loud voice "It is about time parents these day recognize that kids should fear God and how big he really is." I got in the car and just sat there in awe...and said HUH??? Yeah, I cried too. Nothing new there.

Today I think I finally get it. We as parents revert to showing kids this lovey-dovey happy God. Granted he does love us..but where is the FEAR that I learned as a child that kept me form disobedience? Ours kids need that! I know I need it! Yes, we think we are all so big and all that...but GOD if bigger that the biggest!

Psalm 104:32 he who looks at the earth, and it trembles, who touches the mountains, and they smoke. :)

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