Wednesday, July 23, 2008

And Good WIll To ALL! Well kids that is!

Today was in interesting day. After 5 days of sickness in our home we are all on the mend now. Grandma B came over and helped me get the house back in order and Bryce stayed home to well, just be home.

I got so much done for work today that it was awesome! I feel like I am back in the game of life.

I have two good Friends who I carpool (really they do most of the carpooling but they let me say I help LOL) with and today was a day they really needed me. It actually felt good to be needed! So I clocked out at 5:15 (well...not really since I work from home by myself) and headed to the YMCA to pick up the crew. I actually enjoyed seeing their little faces as they walked into the pavilion as if to be surprised that I was there to pick them up...I have forgot a kid here and there before, on accident of course!!! I quickly told them I was going to treat them to dinner and they were all excited! I gave them their choices and they all began chiming in...IN AGREEMENT! I almost fell over! Not only was I blessed by seeing all of them, but I was shocked at how easy they made this. There were 5 of them, Elyse and me so it was quite the crowd.

I was so proud of the little adults they have become. I have known these kids for almost 6 years now and although they all have their little moments, tonight they were so grown up. We talked about everything from Tryston's food allergies, to what they were looking forward to this upcoming school year, a bit of everything. They all said thank you and were so well behaved! I felt like I had reached out to offer some GOOD WILL and in return these kids blessed my socks off! Too cool huh!

Well, that is all I have for tonight! Thanks kids for a great dinner! I truly enjoyed your company! :) With Love, your CarPool Mom #3 :)

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