Thursday, July 9, 2009

Sleep? Who needs SLEEP???

So lately I have been a bit of a night owl. If it is not work it is school, if it is not school it is board duties, if it is not board duties well then it is just plain old life! The summer is turning out to be pretty busy. I promised Jeff that I would not plan any "house" projects this summer but our social calendar has been a bit crazy! It has been good to spend time with friends and family!

I am MOST excited about Bryce playing football for the first time!!! I am counting down the days! He has been in Jujitsu for two years now but team sports are so much fun for parents! I remember his first soccer game, I went nuts! But after scoring more points for the OTHER team the whole season we decided it was not his game. I think I took him out too soon though. Have you ever given up before you really should? Even on your kids? I did the same thing with Bryce and piano. However he does rock out on the acoustic guitar now so maybe I am being too hard on myself??? He recently wrote his on diddy for the first time and I have to say it was pretty good. I want to get the twins in sports so this summer so we started them in dance. Elyse is in tap and Tryston is in gymnastics. It is a hoot watching them! Maybe soccer in the spring?

On a crazy note, I am getting ready to start a 20 week roll of math in school! I did not mean to plan it this way, but it is what it is! If I go MIA until March, I am here...just trying to survive!

Have a wonderful summer!!! C-Ya!

1 comment:

Brett said...

Football is awesome and all, love it. But jiu jitsu is such a great individual sport that will make him very strong in a lot of ways! I think it's nice to have one person I'm related to who trains :)